spring flowers & decorations surround centered text: "spring fling dance. saturday, march 29, 2025, 7pm until 10pm"

Current Freshman & Sophomore students are invited to attend the 2025 Spring Fling Dance on Saturday, March 29th, from 7 o'clock until 10 o'clock in the evening in the Beard Gym. Proceeds from the event will help raise funds for future class events, such as prom.

The event will be Sadie Hawkins-style (girls ask boys) with semi-formal attire required. Refreshments will be provided.

Tickets are $20 and will be sold from 8:30 AM until 8:50 AM and during lunch periods, March 10th through 13th; cash & credit cards accepted with all sales non-refundable. Sales are open to 9th & 10th graders, though juniors & seniors may attend as a paid guest with freshman or sophomore. Guest forms will be available in AP offices beginning March 3rd and are due March 7th.

For additional information, please contact Mr. Wagner.