student athletic trainers stand on a turf football field beneath a sunny texas sky
boys high school basketball team stands for the camera following a game inside a high school gymnasium
K-8 Mathematics Community Preview
purple gradient backdrop with superimposed words in yellow announcing "samuel clemens history club celebrates women's history month theme week, march 3-7"
blue mortar graduation cap with blue & yellow tassel is overlaid on a matching blue graduation gown
SCUC Connect January-February 2025
spring flowers & decorations surround centered text: "spring fling dance. saturday, march 29, 2025, 7pm until 10pm"
puzzle piece shapes overlaid against a blue & yellow background with words "career, technology, education" within respective puzzle pieces
In The Know
decorative image with gold band and white xs and square target in the center. text reads "course request changes 2025–2026"
New & Returning Students Upcoming Events
image of high school students & coach in blue hoodies gathered in front of "alamo cafe" sign beneath a cloudless blue sky
image of clemens varsity wrestling team side-by-side across a wrestling mat inside gymnasium interior
light blue abstract wave overlaid against black & white backdrop with the silhouette of a male looking to viewer's left with white text reading "anon(ymous) a play by naomi iizuka" beneath which is a white sailboat
In The Know - Monthly Board Brief
image of several novels and other volumes about or in reference to the holocaust, arranged on a table draped with a white cloth. behind, a pillar is adorned with colorful images of butterflies with a poster-sized copy of the poem the butterfly by pavel friedmann
image of a buffalo wearing a tuxedo, accented with blue tie and kerchief tucked in left breast pocket of black jacket. buffalo is looking directly at viewer with a golden six-point crown atop its head.
image of friendly, cartoonish frog with red lips and eyes on protrusions above head. text above reads "be a friendly frog: because mental health matters i took the hi how are you pledge."
background image of a radially blurred blue and orange basketball. foreground is a flyer with text reading "clemens girls' basketball 6th grade showcase." all other information is present on this page. there is also a qr code that links to registration.
rectangular placard of white with blue & gold circular images and a blue buffalo head in lower right corner on a light blue gradient background. text reads "now hiring: business/accounting marketing teacher and deca advisor. job #2662. apply at (join the team). cte teacher certification in business/accounting/marketing. samuel clemens high school."