SCUCISD District Library Services Page
Welcome to Library Services
Libraries play a vital role in every school community. They provide valuable and varied learning experiences, instill a passion for reading and knowledge in our students, and equip them with the essential skills needed to actively engage in society. With a vast collection of print and digital resources, our libraries ensure that students have access to up-to-date and diverse materials for both academic study and personal enjoyment.
District and State Guidelines and Policies
Accessing the School Library Catalog from Home
Print library book information for each campus is publicly accessible online, and we encourage all parents to discuss reading selections as a family. Each campus library catalog can be accessed using ClassLink. Once logged into ClassLink, use Follett Destiny Discover to access the school library catalog. The button below will take you to the SCUC ClassLink page. Once logged into Destiny Discover, click the Catalog tab to search for books.
Reconsideration of Instructional Materials or Resources
All instructional materials and resources are subject to reconsideration with the exception of currently adopted textbooks and their ancillary/supplementary materials school board approved through the textbook adoption process.
When a formal or informal complaint is received, the following procedures will be followed: Reconsideration of Instructional Materials or Resources.
Parent Options
Parents of SCUC ISD students may sign-up to have their child(ren) placed on an “opt out” list for a select group of titles of print library books. Students on the opt out list will not be able to use the self-checkout stations and will have to check out books from an adult working in the library. When the student is ready to check out their books, a staff member will check to see if the student’s name is on the opt out list and cross reference their selections. If a student has selected a book on the list, the staff member will guide them to another selection. Parents that wish to submit more titles, can do so by editing their responses and submitting the form again.
The opt out will apply only to the parent pre-selected group of specific titles, not topics or themes, and parents still have the option of pre-selecting 100% of their child’s books in the online catalog if they would like to further limit reading selections.
The Opt Out Does | The Opt Out Doesn't |
Please complete the form linked below if you wish to limit books your child is allowed to check out form the school library. Please note: The form does require parents to list the title of each book.