Welcome to Health Services

"Healthy Children Learn Better, School Nurses Make it Happen!"

Welcome to SCUC ISD Health Services—a place where students' wellness is at the heart of everything we do! Our goal is simple: to help every student thrive by providing caring support and promoting healthy habits that support our students in their ability to reach their academic and wellness goals. Whether it's managing health conditions or offering first aid, our dedicated team is here to help with expert care and understanding.

But we're not just about treating illnesses. We're passionate about teaching students how to stay healthy through education. From health screenings to nutrition tips, we're here to empower students to make smart choices and live better lives.

Explore our webpage to find resources and programs that can support our students, staff, and families.

School nursing is a specialized field dedicated to safeguarding and enhancing student health, fostering their development, and fostering academic achievement. School nurses, guided by ethical and evidence-based practices, serve as leaders who connect healthcare and education, coordinate care, advocate for student-centered services, and collaborate to create systems that empower individuals and communities to thrive.

Board of Directors  

   National Association of School Nurses

high school entrance


Health Events

Attention 6th Grade Parents!

Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD is hosting Immunization Clinics in partnership with Methodist Healthcare Ministries! Ensure your child is ready for 7th grade by getting their state-required TDAP & MCV vaccines at one of our upcoming clinics.

Dates & Locations:
• 3/24 (Monday) – Laura Ingalls Wilder
3/25 (Tuesday) – Elaine S. Schlather
3/26 (Wednesday) – Barbara C. Jordan

1-4 PM | Walk-in only (Limited quantity available)
Guardian must be present

📌 Incoming 7th-grade students must have a meningococcal vaccine & Tdap booster (within the past 5 years) on file to start school this Fall.

Click the link to view the flyer! https://5il.co/3a9he
For more information, contact David Thein at dthein@scucisd.org

Health Notices

School Health Information


Food In The Classroom & Allergy Awareness

The District takes great care in making sure all students feel welcomed and safe withing the classroom. Certain foods may trigger life threatening allergic reactions. The Healthy Classroom List was developed to help parents and school staff select healthy and nut-free snack options when bringing in snacks for the entire class events such as birthdays, holidays, rewards, etc.

Keeping All Kids Safe!

Keeping All Kids Safe!

Food In The Classroom & Allergy Awareness

Contact Information

 David Thein, MBA, BSN, RN
District Health Services Coordinator
204 Wright Ave., Schertz, TX 78154

Email David Thein
Phone (210) 945-6019
Fax (210) 945-6846 

Student Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Information

Did You Know?

Healthy kids are sweet enough

Kids age 2-18 should have less than 25 grams or six teaspoons of added sugars daily for a healthy heart.

Smart Snack Calculator

Visit foodplanner.healthiergeneration.org/calculator to check to see if your product meets the healthy snack list standards.