Career & Technical Education Advisory Committee

CTE Advisory


CTE Advisory Committee Mission: “Business & Industry students will prepare for specialized majors and develop entry-level skills as they complete a well-planned program of study preparing them for the professional workplace and post-secondary education.” The purpose of the CTE Advisory Committee is to provide advice, guidance, support and advocacy for the programs in the CTE Advisory Committees at Byron P. Steele II High School and Samuel Clemens High School. The SCUC ISD CTE Advisory Committee aims to: Facilitate networking opportunities with other industry professionals. Recruit and retain new industry and post-secondary CTE Advisory Committee members As opportunities arise, secure student internships, scholarships, and job shadowing experiences Provide assistance with career and technical students organizations (CTSO) as they prepare for competitive events Providing in-kind contributions to the CTE Advisory Committee programs that are used to advance the mission and vision of the Committee. It is an integral part of the purpose of the CTE Advisory Committee to bridge the gap between the classroom, and the "real world” for students in the Business and Industry.

District Liaison(s)

Director of Career and Technical Education


Executive Director of Curriculum and Professional Development
Director of Counseling and CCMR
Director of CTE College, Career and Military Advisors
Community Partners
Business Partners
Representatives from Post-Secondary Education Community/City Economic Development Corporation Representatives
Chamber Representatives
CTE Campus Representatives

Feedback Loop

District Leaders
SCUC ISD Board of Trustees

Cadence of Meetings

Meets 3 times per year. (Last meeting is campus based visit)

If interested in serving on this committee, please send an email to: Amy Massey


