The district's official logo is prominently displayed on various district materials such as correspondence, envelopes, reports, business cards, electronic presentations, videos, awards, publications, and promotional materials. The logo is typically presented in the official red and black colors. It is crucial that all departments and campuses utilize the SCUC ISD logos consistently. It is strictly advised not to reproduce the official district logo from original illustrations or make any alterations to its proportions or design.

Schertz-Cibolo-Universal City ISD Logo
Schertz Cibolo Universal City ISD Logo Versions

Color Palette

CMYK: 100 53 0 67
HEX; #002855

CMYK: 100 27 0 12
HEX; #00A3E0

CMYK:1 1 0 34
HEX; #A7A8A9

CMYK: 0 69 98 14
HEX; #DC4405

High Schools

Junior High Schools

Intermediate Schools

Elementary Schools