The objectives of JROTC are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship, promote community service, instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline, and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals.

The AFJROTC program is grounded in the Air Force core values of integrity first, service before self, and excellence in all we do. The curriculum emphasizes the Air Force heritage and traditions, the development of flight, applied flight sciences, military aerospace policies, and space exploration.

The AFJROTC program positively influences our country by helping one student at a time. Comprised solely of active duty Air Force retirees, the AFJROTC instructor force is helping to form tomorrow’s nation by educating proud and patriotic cadets -- tomorrow’s leaders.

Curriculum opportunities include:

  • Academic studies

  • Character education

  • Life skills education

  • Leadership opportunities

  • Team-building experiences

  • Physical training and conditioning / Intramural competition

  • Field trips / training opportunities

The AFJROTC program is not chartered as a recruiting program for the military services, and those students who participate in AFJROTC do not incur any obligation to the Air Force.

B Steele High School

Lt. Col Mosley:  Bio Email Col Mosley

SMSgt Taylor: Website / Email Taylor

MSgt Lewis: Website/ Email Lewis

TX- 82nd
Clemens High School

Lt Col Bass
Email Lt Col Bass
Phone (210) 945-6562

SMSgt Butler
Email SMSgt Butler
Phone (210) 945-6561

CMSgt Gideon
Email CMSgt Gideon
Phone (210) 945-6586