Trina Simmons
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Trina Simmons’ professional life has been nothing if not an expedition. After earning a degree from the far-flung reaches of the University of Wyoming, where she grew up, she wound up in Texas to continue a diversified career that has included teacher and coach, assistant principal, and now, landing as the new principal at Green Valley Elementary School.
Simmons served as interim principal at Schlather Intermediate School for one semester during the 2022-23 school year, enough to know what lay ahead at her new campus. “My role is to work with all stakeholders to better the campus,” she said. “My greatest responsibility is ensuring we are growing students academically, socially and emotionally.”
Over the years, she has received validation that her purpose has been successful, first as a teacher, and then as an assistant principal. “One of the best moments I had is when a former student became a teacher and she said it was because of my class and my teaching,” Simmons recounts. “As an administrator, it would have to be when a student came back to the school and told me he would not have graduated if it wasn’t for me and our talks.”
Those moments reinforce the importance of forming academic and social-emotional attachments that will impact the personal growth and learning for every student. “We are all in this together and it truly takes a village to take care of everyone,” Simmons said. “I try to ensure that staff and students feel valued every day when they come to school.”
Simmons is married to Vernon Simmons, a retired educator, and has a daughter, MacKenzie, and two sons, Zachary and Jared.